Teaching & Learning

Early Years Foundation Stage

As the first years in a child’s life, the Early Years are fundamental to future learning and development.

At this crucial time, we strongly believe in supporting the whole child, setting them on the path to future health, happiness and success.  

Young children sitting on the carpet in class, as a story is read to them.
A red pot full of coloured pencils, pens and rulers.
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Sharing your commitment to give children the best possible start in life, our team will work with your school to enrich your provision and embed best practice in EYFS, KS2 and beyond.  

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Learning Environment

pupil girl writing in book
Learning Environment

The environment is the third teacher, full of possibilities and potential. Through the power of play, exploration, and problem-solving, an effective and thoughtful environment can play a large part in shaping children’s early learning experience.  

Our specialists will support you to review your current learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, ensuring there is high-quality provision and resourcing to support children develop within the characteristics of effective learning (CoEL) and all 7 Areas of Learning.  

Working together, we will observe children’s play behaviours and use this information to plan next steps. By ensuring the needs of all learners are met, we will help them to continue making exceptional progress built on accurate assessments.

teacher holding book to class
Role of the Adult

As emphasised in the EYFS Framework, adults play a crucial role in supporting the holistic development of children, creating opportunities for learning, play and exploration.  

With an in-depth knowledge of early child development, our consultants will work with your team to consider the role of adults in the environment; review timetables; and share strategies about how to create effective interactions with children.    

 Tailoring support to reflect the needs of your school, we also offer staff training and 1-2-1 coaching sessions, supporting your team by observing high-quality interactions and sharing evidence-based solutions. 

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Supporting Transitions

Working alongside parents and other professionals, we will help you achieve a smooth and successful transition for your pupils, supporting them with the next step in the learning journey.  

With creative and practical solutions, we can support you to manage initial and ongoing transitions within EYFS. Our consultants will work collaboratively with the team to create a timeline for transition, putting children and their needs at the heart of the process. 

We can also support you with the transition from EYFS to being ‘school-ready’ in Year 1. We will work with you to plan the environment and embed best practice, allowing you to bridge the gap whilst continuing the principles of effective early learning. 

pupil drawing on paper
Learning Environments in KS1 and Beyond

As emphasised in the EYFS Framework, adults play a crucial role in supporting the holistic development of children, creating opportunities for learning, play and exploration.  

With an in-depth knowledge of early child development, our consultants will work with your team to consider the role of adults in the environment; review timetables; and share strategies about how to create effective interactions with children.    

 Tailoring support to reflect the needs of your school, we also offer staff training and 1-2-1 coaching sessions, supporting your team by observing high-quality interactions and sharing evidence-based solutions. 

pupils play at table
Characteristics of Effective Learning

Effective learning behaviours are fundamental to early years education, giving children the foundations to flourish as critical thinkers and lifelong learners.  

With expertise in child development, our consultants will support your team by observing the characteristics of effective learning in your setting. We will work with you to build on your practice and provision, creating further opportunities for children to learn, explore, create and grow.  

 Working with senior leaders, we can build a culture of effective learning across the whole school, delivering bespoke training and guidance to help you embed this approach in every classroom.

parent with her child early years
Parental Engagement

Parental partnerships are key to a successful early years’ experience, supporting the holistic development of the child and improving their life chances.   

We can support you to empower parents to play an active part in their child’s learning journey, continuing all the good work you do in school to support pupils’ wellbeing and academic progress.  

Our EYFS specialists will review your current approaches to parental engagement, sharing strategies to ensure parents feel involved and fully informed, equipped with the tools they need to support their child’s education.

oracy award logo one education
Oracy Award - Products and Services

Oracy is the cornerstone to effective learning and communication. It is central to developing key life skills as well as to support the development of knowledge and personal wellbeing. Indeed, in the EYFS, the DfE  state that “The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development.” Yet, research shows that there is a declining trend in outcomes for Communication and Language.

Children in the EYFS deserve the very best start for Oracy. Our approach to supporting oracy development from the earliest years of school, is focused on our research-based framework which encompasses the three strands of oral communication: learning to talk; talking to learn and learning about talk.

Together, our in-house Literacy experts and Speech and Language Therapists can offer specialist support to develop best practice in oracy across your school. By establishing a bespoke oracy-rich curriculum whose language, expectations and provision is best designed to enable all learners, we can support you to develop your oracy provision so that it will improve pupils’ outcomes at school and beyond.


For more information, please visit our Oracy Award page.

pupil girl writing in book

Learning Environment

The environment is the third teacher, full of possibilities and potential. Through the power of play, exploration, and problem-solving, an effective and thoughtful environment can play a large part in shaping children’s early learning experience.  

Our specialists will support you to review your current learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, ensuring there is high-quality provision and resourcing to support children develop within the characteristics of effective learning (CoEL) and all 7 Areas of Learning.  

Working together, we will observe children’s play behaviours and use this information to plan next steps. By ensuring the needs of all learners are met, we will help them to continue making exceptional progress built on accurate assessments.

teacher holding book to class

Role of the Adult

As emphasised in the EYFS Framework, adults play a crucial role in supporting the holistic development of children, creating opportunities for learning, play and exploration.  

With an in-depth knowledge of early child development, our consultants will work with your team to consider the role of adults in the environment; review timetables; and share strategies about how to create effective interactions with children.    

 Tailoring support to reflect the needs of your school, we also offer staff training and 1-2-1 coaching sessions, supporting your team by observing high-quality interactions and sharing evidence-based solutions. 

pupil looks at experiment with teacher

Supporting Transitions

Working alongside parents and other professionals, we will help you achieve a smooth and successful transition for your pupils, supporting them with the next step in the learning journey.  

With creative and practical solutions, we can support you to manage initial and ongoing transitions within EYFS. Our consultants will work collaboratively with the team to create a timeline for transition, putting children and their needs at the heart of the process. 

We can also support you with the transition from EYFS to being ‘school-ready’ in Year 1. We will work with you to plan the environment and embed best practice, allowing you to bridge the gap whilst continuing the principles of effective early learning.  

pupil drawing on paper

Learning Environments in KS1 and Beyond

We believe that the enabling environment provided in early years should continue to weave through into KS1 and beyond. These learning spaces are where the true magic of learning takes place, as children take risks and improve their resilience.  

Drawing on the effective principles of early learning, our consultants will work with you to create child-centred learning spaces, responding to children’s needs as they grow and evolve.  

Reflecting on all aspects of the environment, from relationships and routines to high-quality resources, we will help you empower your pupils to take ownership of their learning and develop their levels of independence.  

pupils play at table

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Effective learning behaviours are fundamental to early years education, giving children the foundations to flourish as critical thinkers and lifelong learners.  

With expertise in child development, our consultants will support your team by observing the characteristics of effective learning in your setting. We will work with you to build on your practice and provision, creating further opportunities for children to learn, explore, create and grow.  

 Working with senior leaders, we can build a culture of effective learning across the whole school, delivering bespoke training and guidance to help you embed this approach in every classroom.  

parent with her child early years

Parental Engagement

Parental partnerships are key to a successful early years’ experience, supporting the holistic development of the child and improving their life chances.   

We can support you to empower parents to play an active part in their child’s learning journey, continuing all the good work you do in school to support pupils’ wellbeing and academic progress.  

Our EYFS specialists will review your current approaches to parental engagement, sharing strategies to ensure parents feel involved and fully informed, equipped with the tools they need to support their child’s education. 

boy pupil hold up letter

EYFS Leadership

Working across a range of settings, we recognise the importance of strong leadership in EYFS, responsible for inspiring teamwork and innovation; setting high expectations; and giving children the best possible start in life.  

Providing a vast range of support, our experts will coach your EYFS Leader to carry out their role with confidence and clarity of vision, creating better outcomes for your children.  

With expertise in all areas of EYFS, we can support you with all the following and more:

  • Policy development 
  • Action plans 
  • Reviewing current provision 
  • Evaluating the environment 
  • Curriculum development 
  • Effective EYFS management 


Responding to your school needs, ethos, and values, we can also deliver bespoke training and advice, putting the effective principles of early child development at the heart of all we do.  

girl pupil by nature table

Senior Leadership Team Support

With strong leadership and effective practice, EYFS can provide children with solid foundations for future learning, growth and prosperity.  

Providing high-quality training and support, we will work with you to develop an inspirational EYFS Team, giving your leaders the tools to raise standards and pave the way for your pupils’ future success.  

Working closely with your senior leadership, our consultants will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your EYFS. Sharing expert advice and planning next steps, we will help you raise aspirations for your pupils and ensure all legal requirements are fulfilled. 

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

Why choose One Education for EYFS?

Our dedicated team consists of EYFS practitioners, senior leaders, moderators and quality assurers for Local Authorities. Putting children first in everything we do, we will help you to enhance the early years experience, laying the foundations for lifelong learning and future success.  

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